@igro Thanks again for your hint to connect a local s3 bucket with --no-verify-ssl in datalore. I updated today datalore enterprise on-prem to version 2023.1.
Now i got the error:
S3 options error: Unable to load region from any of the providers in the chain software.amazon.awssdk.regions.providers.DefaultAwsRegionProviderChain@22fc31ea: [software.amazon.awssdk.regions.providers.SystemSettingsRegionProvider@1777bbb1: Unable to load region from system settings. Region must be specified either via environment variable (AWS_REGION) or system property (aws.region)., software.amazon.awssdk.regions.providers.AwsProfileRegionProvider@6e70c1c6: No region provided in profile: default, software.amazon.awssdk.regions.providers.InstanceProfileRegionProvider@452d9df8: Unable to contact EC2 metadata service.]
Can you give me an advice, what I can do to make a local s3 like bucket mountable. I have left the region blank for previous 2022.3.1 version, but it doesn’t seem to work now for the 2023.1 datalore version.
Thank you for reporting this! We will add an option to leave the region empty.
This error should only occur during the connection check and not for mounting – as a temporary workaround please specify any valid AWS region (e.g. us-east-1).
Could you try to ignore this error in and mount the bucket to your notebook?
Most likely, this error is caused by AWS SDK* used for the connection check, but shouldn’t affect connection itself.
*we’re going to update AWS SDK in the upcoming builds, it should fix this and other related issues.
Unfortunately, I still get not mounted for this on-prem s3 bucket using attach data to notebook with dummy region and custom options --no-verify-ssl, the boto3 code works fine.
@igro Thanks so much for your help, I also found out that the current s3fs version in ubuntu 22.04 notebook terminal is 1.9.0
I am happy to share that i finally be able to mount my netapp on-prem s3 bucket in the options field with use_path_request_style,no_check_certificate,ssl_verify_hostname=0
and a dummy region us-east-1
I do need all these three options for s3fs. I hope this can help others to mount on-prem s3 buckets at ease.
UPD: I can also mount without the dummy region field. Mount works, but the connection test shows error, with region, connection test shows also error with region and custom options with ssl certifcate validation turned off.