ValueError: Produced output is too large and cannot be displayed. Consider saving it to a file

I am getting a notification error when running a code that produce an interactive attention model, indicating that the output is too large and cannot be displayed!

please find the link JetBrains Datalore: A Powerful Online Environment for Jupyter Notebooks.

any suggestions?

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We are having the same issue.

The notebook runs fine on Visual Studio Code.

Where can we configure this limit?

Hi Mikko,

The current limit for outputs is 10 Mb for the cloud solution. It is enough for most of the customers.
You can’t configure it yourself.
We will test possibility to make it bigger.

This limit is not nearly enough for some financial charting applications. Were you able to make it bigger?

If you user Datalore on-prem, you can increase the value by setting up OS environment DATALORE_MAX_BLOB_SIZE. This value should be set in both server’s and agent’s environments.
The default is 10000000