SQL Cell JOIN pandas DF

Hello! Do i have an ability to work with clickhouse db code and join on dataframe i have in notebook?

For example when i use Click House driver i can do

tables = [
'name': 'users',
'structure': [('amplitude_id', 'UInt64'),('user_id', 'UInt64')]
'data': users[['amplitude_id', 'user_id']].to_dict('records'),
} ]

And than query it :
split_on_date = engine_holistic.query_dataframe('''

SELECT toDate(add_time) as date,
       count(DISTINCT if(xx = 'xx', amplitude_id, null)) as group_A,
       count(DISTINCT if(xx = 'xx', amplitude_id, null)) as group_B
FROM users

''', external_tables = tables)

And also i can easily use this users table to join and query with click house tables