Snowflake SSO (externalbrowser) can't login

I am trying to login using SSO for Snowflake and have set Authentication to externalbrowser. All I get is the following error when testing the connection:

[58030][200015] JDBC driver encountered communication error. Message: Cannot run program "xdg-open": error=2, No such file or directory.

Is externalbrowser not supported? Is there a recommended way to use SSO for Snowflake in Datalore? Or do I have to use username and password?


I’d like to do this too - any answers?

Unfortunately, it won’t be possible to use externalbrowser auth method with the built-in Snowflake integration, since the connection to the database is established in a separate container and not on a computational agent.

And in case of connection using Python code – while it would be possible to install missing dependencies like xdg-open using magics (!sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y package-name) or via the terminal (Tools → Terminal) – it still won’t be possible to open a nested browser window to authenticate there.

Hope this answers your question!

Best regards,
Igor Medovolkin
QA Engineer in Datalore

Thanks Igor - much appreciated. Good to know not to count on that - I’ll have to revisit the security model for using Datalore and Snowflake. I can think of some options that could be acceptable.

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