Report Builder Broken

I am getting errors in the editor

editor.min.js?v=15912:1 Uncaught Error: Unexpected change: {"range":{"startLineNumber":1,"startColumn":1,"endLineNumber":1,"endColumn":1},"rangeOffset":0,"rangeLength":0,"text":""}

Error: Unexpected change: {"range":{"startLineNumber":1,"startColumn":1,"endLineNumber":1,"endColumn":1},"rangeOffset":0,"rangeLength":0,"text":""}
    at e (editor.min.js?v=15912:1:2361432)
    at editor.min.js?v=15912:1:2359329
    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at _onContentChanged (editor.min.js?v=15912:1:2359299)
    at (editor.min.js?v=15912:1:12164)
    at editor.min.js?v=15912:1:1036929
    at editor.min.js?v=15912:1:479368
    at (editor.min.js?v=15912:1:12164)
    at (editor.min.js?v=15912:1:521696)
    at e._emitContentChangedEvent (editor.min.js?v=15912:1:480223)
    at editor.min.js?v=15912:1:526

and my report builder is completely blank with the following error:

(JavaScript) SyntaxError: Unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON at position 2SyntaxError: Unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON at position 2
    at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
    at A.W8M (
    at E.c7p (
    at A.V$B (
    at E.iJf (
    at NS (
    at A.MVN (
    at (
    at A.Tlu (
    at A.CGF.lD (

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

Hey there!
Hope you found any help.
I ran into same error as yours and want to seek your guidance. Any help is appreciated!