Have Datalore running off Docker Compose. Only been using it for 2 days - love it.
However, having absolutely no luck connecting to any databases. Have tried an Azure SQL database - it works perfectly from my old Juptyer notebook using the following string:
connection = pyodbc.connect(‘Driver={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};Server=’+server+‘,1433;Database=’+database+‘;Uid=’+username+‘;Pwd=’+password+‘;Encrypt=yes;TrustServerCertificate=no;Connection Timeout=30;Authentication=ActiveDirectoryInteractive’)
cursor = connection.cursor()
However, using both the Azure SQL Server and SQL Server database connection builders, I am getting a fail. I have tested pinging from the docker container and that works - can ping the server. I am also wondering - Datalore doesn’t seem to have any dialogue for handling MFA where it is needed? How does that happen?
I also tried testing to the trial postgress database in your documentation - that also failed to connect. Either I am doing something wrong or the software is…
Settings for that were as per the doc:
driver: postgresql
host: demo-database.private.datalore.io
port: 5432
database: datalore
user: datalore
password: datalore
Any help would be appreciated. I love the product so far. Just want to get off CSV!