Problem opening new notebook

Since this morning I’m unable to open new notebooks. I can create them, but when they are supposed to open up, I get redirected to my workspace. Old notebooks work just fine. Anyone else having this problem?


Thank you and other users reported the issue via the feedback form – several users were affected. We’re still investigating the root cause and trying to fix the broken notebooks, but everything should work fine now for new notebooks.

I’ll post updates here.

Sorry for the inconveniences caused.

We removed all the broken notebooks, they were mostly new and empty, but for some users we also had to remove the Getting Starting tutorial.

In case your tutorial was corrupted and missing, you can use the following link to get an actual copy of this notebook:

Everything is working fine now. Thanks for the quick response!

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I had the same experience at midnight a few days ago. There was a notice showing for a short time, and only once, saying that the server was off for maintenance. I hope to have an indicator showing the status of the server.

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