List in Parameterized sql cell

I have a python variable ids as a list of string in python cell. I want to query the database with this variable.

select name from units where id in ({ids})
This does not work. If I check in the query log in db, it shows select name from units where id in ( ? )

I don’t get any results. If I run the query directly in the db with the list filled in, I get results.

You don’t need to use brackets in this case.

select name from units where id in {ids}

Also please make sure the “ids” variable was calculated before, if you don’t use reactive mode.

Hi, In which data format must ids be? for me it works neither as list nor as set nor as str?

Hello, Tanja.
Both list and set types works.
Could you give an example of a query and an error message.

I found the right formatting here, but it does not work if I use the filter twice, like here:

select name from units1 where id in {ids}
union all
select name from units1 where id in {ids}

Is there a solution for this?

Hi Tanja,
I have no problem with such type of query.
Which error message are you getting?

Your code cell should define ids as a python list, something like this.

ids = [1,2,3]

SQL cell -

select name from units where id in {ids}

Please give a full example when it doesn’t work for you

I have same issue:
Python cell

sap_id_list = canastas_revision['sap_id'].to_list()

SQL cell

    id as id_item,
    codigo as sap_id
    ventas.ventas.dim_articulos as da
    codigo in {sap_id_list}

I got this error:

Exception: [42601] ERROR: syntax error at or near “{”
Position: 112

My settings are as follow:
Captura de pantalla 2024-03-04 a la(s) 12.24.09
I use DataSpell.
Thanks in advance