Hello. we tried to install datalore in our infrastructure? and we have one problem. we have no direct network access from our servers, instead of this we are using proxy server for internet access. so it is not problem for main datalore docker container. also we can paa proxy settings for agent containers through env varibles in agents-config.yaml. but when i am trying to create new database connection to MSSQL i see error:
Failed to download ‘https://cache-redirector.jetbrains.com/download.jetbrains.com/idea/jdbc-drivers/MSSQL/11/mssql-jdbc-11.2.0.jre8-preview.jar’:
Connect timed out
So as i see, he tries to download jdbc driver, and in this moment docker container from image jetbrains/datalore-database-command:2023.1 starts and he cant access url because he is not aware about our proxy. so how can we pass proxy settings for this container?
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