Error when attempting to delete attached file

I created a new csv with Pandas’ to_csv method and accidentally included a tab character in the file name - I have no idea if that’s relevant or not, it’s just the only thing that’s different about that particular file so I’m assuming it’s related - and now I can’t delete it for some reason. I can delete/rename every other file, but when I try with that one I get a very helpful error message: “Can’t delete file.” Any ideas? I’ve tried refreshing the page and closing my browser with no luck. It isn’t really bothering anything, just kind of annoying.

I’m running a reactive notebook in Chrome on macOS Monteray w/ Pandas and Pip.

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Wow, thanks for reporting this, it is definitely a bug - will ask the devs to fix it in the nearest builds.

As a temporary workaround please use magic commands or terminal to delete or rename the affected file, for example:

  • to delete: !rm "file\tname.csv"
  • to rename: !mv "file\tname.csv" "file name.csv"

Of course! Though I probably wouldn’t have bothered you guys with it had I known you could run terminal commands from within the notebook itself haha. Thanks for the tip!

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The fix has been deployed, now, in such a case, it is possible to rename the file (set valid name) or delete the file from the UI.

Thanks again for the heads up!