I made a temp view in SQL notebook (create or replace TEMP view temp_consolidated_view) within Datalore notebook and started to notice that the view doesn’t change even after I change the query inside. I suspect Datalore glitch so I tried the same sql in snowflake workbook and I see the different result from what I see from Datalore notebook even though it’s using the same sql.
The worst thing is what I change the view name into temp_consolidated_view_2 from temp_consolidated_view, it spits out the error saying the object does not exist or not authorized. Is Datalore doing some sort of caching that it doesn’t recognize the change from the old cell? I was considering asking my team to purchase license but this is concerning.
(first two cells are Snowflake, last two - PostgreSQL)
But things get more interesting from here: usually when an SQL cell produces multiple outputs - only the last one is visible in the output:
And everything works as expected until you try to call the created temporary view in the same cell — weirdly select statements got ignored, and the last create statement is used instead:
We found an issue with the DataGrip component we are using under the hood inside Datalore - it doesn’t properly support queries with the TEMP keyword which caused a lot of confusion and messed up the outputs.
We already contacted the DataGrip team, and as soon as they fix it on their side - we will include the patched module into our application.
As a workaround for now, please use the TEMPORARY keyword in Snowflake queries instead: