Hi Guys,
I used Datalore to learn Lets-Plot and shared my findings on medium.com. It was effortless to embed Datalore cells, but there were a couple of minor quirks:
- Once the notebook is published, and I consume the cell from my article, publishing the notebook again turns off cell sharing.
- The link that Datalore generates for my cell looks like this: datalore.jetbrains.com/view/embed/eifzdh96VYuNrcjuOpYPYr/11?height={height}, if I don’t add 70 pixels to the height parameter and consume the link in the article, I get scrollbars in the charts.
Lastly is a feature request. It seems that sharing is done either via the whole notebook or at the level of individual cells. Still, it would also be beneficial to select a group of cells to export as one embeddable piece of content.