Hallo everyone,
I need your assistance.
While upgrading enterprise datalore from 2023.3.1 (chart v0.2.10) to 2023.4 (chart v0.2.11) on k8s 1.24.17, the basic-agent pod stuck at ContainerCreating
with an error configmap "datalore-logback-config" not found
Is there a fix of this? Currently, all the notebooks can not run and I really appreciate your help.
To answer my own question, the doc for the agent config seems to be outdated
I removed the logback-config
mounts options. And upgraded from the 2023.4 to 2023.5 and then upgrade to 2023.5.1 with the agent image jetbrains/datalore-agent:2023.5.1
The custom agent pool seems to work normal again.
There is also no further information in doc about the logbackConfig
key for the datalore.values.yaml
config file.