Can't load Datalore after a login on a certain account

I have the same issue. I can login but PyCharm is still saying:

Error while checking JetBrains Datalore log in status.


Same here. I can not load my workspace. It last several minutes and then finally display an error…

Moreover after several attemps it sometimes succeed in launching it but I cannot RUN anything.
Nothing happens… It displays the engine is running but no result is displayed on any cell I try to run.

Fun fact is consume my credits aben if I am not able to access it.

Any idea ?

Thank you


I can not load my workspace. It last several minutes and then finally display an error…

I’m sorry to hear that! We experienced unusually high load on one of our components, which may have resulted in partial or complete inaccessibility of the application for some of our users yesterday. We already made required improvements and optimizations yesterday evening, but please let us know if you are still facing any issues with the application.

Fun fact is consume my credits aben if I am not able to access it.

From what I see, there were no credits charged from your account, but I topped your account with some to compensate the wasted CPU S quota.

Thanks for the heads up!

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Thank you for your reply.
It works fine today.
Sorry I made a mistake I was talking aboutCPU time and not credit.


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