Cannot update unpublished report from a scheduled notebook

I have a notebook which is scheduled to run daily. This works fine, and I can see successful runs of this notebook. There is a static report created from this notebook which is not published because I only want this accessible to workspace viewers instead of just anyone with a link.

There is an option to update the linked report from the scheduled notebook upon a successful run, but this is only available for published reports. Why is this only available for published reports? Instead, this functionality should be available for any report regardless of whether it is published or not as reports are only required within our team and we have no requirement for them to be published publicly. Please enable the feature so that notebooks can push to reports without needing to publish anything.

I have posted this in ‘Problems and Bugs’ instead of ‘Feature Suggestions’ as I see this as a problem with an already existing feature.

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Thank you for the report, it’s indeed a problem. It was meant to check that the report is published (not public) but there is a excessive check. Will fix and keep you updated

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Hello @caramelshortbread, the issue was fixed, it should now be possible to update non-public reports from scheduled runs