Athena connection by profile

I am getting a “profile file cannot be null.” error when attempting to connect to Athena with an AWS profile. I have config and credentials in my .aws directory and am able to connect with them in other tools like dbeaver. Anyone know what might be wrong?

I’m using the profile name for user. Not sure what the “project id” field is – haven’t been asked that before for Athena connections.

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Hello @emhcg,

I’m sorry, connecting using AWS Profile is not currently possible, since the connection is established not from the agent, but from a separate container. It is a known issue and we are going to support this auth method in the upcoming releases.

As a workaround please change the connection type to URL and specify your credentials this way. Please refer to Amazon documentation (page 18) for more details.

Screenshot 2023-01-31 at 23.18.48

Sorry for the confusion!